We waited in line for about 15 minutes(which is not that bad compared to other stories I have heard), and the woman at the counter told us that we had to get copies made of several pages in my passport and my cedula. I also had to fill out this form, which I had to pay a few cords for as well! So we went to a copy place and got the photocopies taken care of, filled out the form and waited in line for a bit again.
Not liking the thought of having to do this all over again for my visit home this summer I asked about multi-exit visa. I could pay a few dollars more ($10 total) for a 3 month exit visa. So I did that :) I was excited at the thought that I wouldn't have to pay $5 to get back into the country, as they say the $5 is for your 3 month "tourist visa" but the woman told me I still have to pay that too, apparently my cedula is only good for allowing me to stay in the country for longer than 3 months without being fined and I am able to legally work here. So I guess I will still get my passport stamped with a tourist visa, which confuses me a bit, but I guess it just doesn't matter.
All and all, although I feel like it is a little strange that I need a visa to leave the country, because I am a resident, but still have to pay for a tourist visa to come back even though I am not a tourist and just giving my money away to the Nica gov't...it would be MUCH more difficult for me to live and work in the USA if I was a foreigner, not to mention WAY more expensive! I think it cost a Nicaraguan $100 just to apply for a US tourist visa and most applications are denied!
I am glad the US will always take me back for free...I just will have to pay a little money to get out of Nica :)
Now I am off to Danielley's College Graduation!
1 comment:
so weird that you're a real life bona-fide official resident of nicargua! I'm so proud of you for taking on this adventure!
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