Monday, June 8, 2009

Avocado Update

So I mentioned in a previous post that I was so excited to have spotted an avocado tree in a neighbor's yard. Now imagine my reaction when the landlord pointed out that their was an avocado tree in our front yard! I cant believe we never noticed it, it is directly to the left as you walk out the gate, but up on a higher piece of land. There was even a huge, huge avocado hanging low.

Ivan and I kept our eyes on it, and no one seemed to be picking any off the tree. So one lazy sunday Ivan and I went out to harvest some avocados. Ivan was armed with a very long piece of lumber with a bent nail at the end (to pull the avocados down) and I, with a basket with a pillow inside covered by a towel (to pad the landing of the sweet, sweet avocados).

Well, things did not go very well at the beginning, as it turns out I am only a natural-born avocado eater, and not a NB avocado picker! The avocados are huge, hard and fast falling and I was afraid they were going to break my glasses :( I mean it is a very vulnerable position to be in, looking up, trying to catch a big, heavy object falling through leafy branches and you have about .002 seconds to make sure it will land in the basket that is only inches from your face! So anyway, I missed many falling avocados, I think I caught only one! We took video of the event, unfortunately I missed capturing my big "catch", but I did however capture something much more entertaining! Please be advised that Ivan takes the sport of avocado catching very seriously and he was not very happy with my performance, however, I have not yet been traded for a more talented avocado catcher (which he could probably grab any guy off the street).

Despite the slow start, we ended up with many of the creamy, mild and delicious fruit we call avocados and enjoyed sharing them with friends and family. I hope avocado season never ends, as I could easily get used to having one with every meal!

It has been close to a year since I moved here, so I have experienced almost all the fruit seasons. Here is a list of the ones I have in my yard:
1) limes (always seem to be ready to pick)
2) nancite (not one of my favorites, smells like old cheese)
3) marañon (which is the fruit of cashews and the nut actually grows on the outside)
4) mangoes
5) avocados

Life is pretty good as far as fresh fruit goes. Speaking of which, I had a dream the other night about picking strawberries. My subconscious knows it is almost time, too bad I will be visiting home just a little too late for it.


Stew said...

I could go for a fresh avocado for lunch today! Do they take a while to ripen after you pick them or are they ready to eat? And do the ones that fall onto the ground get bruised? I like the bird calls in the background of the video, very tropical :)

Sara said...

I brought a couple of avocados to Danielle for her graduation, so maybe I will sneak some to you! It does take them awhile to ripen after we pick them. We wrap some in newspaper to speed up the process and lets others ripen on their own which takes a week or two. They do not seem to bruise when they fall but they can crack a little (because they are so hard).

The birds are super loud here, almost like dinosaurs, or what I would imagine dinos to sounds like :)

Sara said...

The brown marks on some of the avocados are where the skin gets burned by the sun, it looks scaly and dry, but doesn't effect the fruit inside :)

Ivan said...

I don't take the sport of catching aguacates seriously, it is just a natural instinct for me, and I won't trade for another catcher because you're too pretty ;)

Connie said...

Sara and Ivan,

I just watched the avocado catching video. It looks like you need a little more practice. Maybe a deeper basket would help.


Ceilidh said...

This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. Bless you both with all your efforts! I love when you trip over the thing, but don't go to pick it up!

Ceilidh said...

so wait! you just get to eat cashews whenever you want?!

Sara said...

I know right!? I noticed that too when I watched the video, we both just stare at the knocked over flowerpot but dont pick it up (we do eventually).

And no, I dont eat cashews whenever I want. You can buy them from the guy on the street standing at the traffic light, but we dont eat the ones in our yard, maybe i will look into that, I am sure it is a lot of work to "roast" them. We do however enjoy the fruit which makes a great juice :)